Sketch watercolor Watercolour

The suitcase seller

I met up with my sketching friends and had coffee (fika) at Gretas café. Wet snow, grey sky and a bleak town square. It was nice to sit indoors and watch the world through glass windows. All seven of us sketched, it was lovely. ( 12 x 18 cm )

A watercolour of a suitcase seller on Hötorget, Stockholm.

Sketch sketching watercolor Watercolour

Happy New Year!

I spent a few hours on new year’s eve with my dear sketching friends. It was too cold to meet outside so we sketched in the Central Station. My little painting is 18 x 11 cm in size.

Sketch watercolor Watercolour

I need to sketch less now

The autumn is here, the days are getting shorter, I take lunchtime walks to get as much light as I possibly can. It’s that time of the year when it’s totally natural to spend more time in the studio. I have sketched all summer and I feel I have improved a great deal due to all the practice. In a way I am looking forward to the winter, I want to see if I have really developed – painting larger studio watercolours is a great test of this. I do not want to stop sketching, I will do this too but less during the winter months.

And so, here is my latest sketch after saying all that. I sometimes drive to Hellasgården which is close by for one of my lunchtime walks. I take myself around the lake and it relaxes me from the day’s stress. There is a small island called “Lilla holmen” which means little island funny enough. I decided to try and paint it, insanely difficult to capture on paper and even harder to make it interesting. This is how I improve though, I am forever putting myself in these uncomfortable situations, I enjoy it.
Lilla holmen, Hellasgården 13 x 17.5 cm

Click the thumbnail below to see the original full-sized image

Lilla holmen
Lilla holmen
Sketch watercolor Watercolour

A laboured watercolour sketch

I painted this sketch from my van down by the water close to where I live. If I ignore all the scrubbing and scratching I think it has a nice feeling to it. Maybe it’s the simplicity of the composition, maybe it’s the sunny vibe or the girl looking out to sea. I would like to develop it further, do a studio version during the winter months when the warmth and the sunshine from the watercolour will be most welcome.

Click the thumbnail if you would like to see the full-sized image.

Looking out to sea at Nacka Strand

Sketch watercolor Watercolour

Sketching Stockholm

This week I am home and I tend to spend too much time in my studio. I therefore make sure I go for a walk or cycle each day. I always bring my sketch bag with me. The weather has been really amazing lately so I am doing a lot of light studies. Watercolour for me is about capturing the light, it’s amazing how hard it is to catch. I just practice and practice and hopefully one day I will master it.
The sketch “Södermalm” is 13 x 17.5 cm on 300g Saunders Waterford paper.

Click the thumbnail below for full sized image


Sketch Sketches urban sketching watercolor Watercolour

A Sketch is so important

I am talking to myself when I say, “Sketches are so important”.
It is so easy to just be lazy and start painting directly with a photo that is in front of you. We rarely succeed when shortcuts are taken, a photo needs to be interpreted, analysed and broken down. It needs to be simplified and elements moved or removed. So this is why doing a quick sketch beforehand is so important, we discover what should be done to achieve a good watercolour.
In the perfect world I would prefer to sketch outdoors but that not possible here for a large part of the year, it’s minus degrees and windy here in Stockholm today.
Next week I travel to Costa Brava in Spain for a week of sketching. More about that in an upcoming post.

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Sketch Watercolour

Watercolour painting on a grey day

Yeap, it was a very grey day in Donaghadee, Northern Ireland. I walked my mother’s dog and then sat in the passenger seat of the car and painted this quick sketch of the boats that were on land for the winter.
It’s been grey since I arrived, I hope it clears soon, it’s quite depressing.
I love to be beside the sea, I like Donaghadee but I never feel at home, I’m uneasy here.

Click the thumbnail below for full-sized image.

Grey day in Donaghadee, Nothern Ireland
Grey day in Donaghadee, Nothern Ireland

David Meldrum Video Watercolour

Watercolour Demo – Painting the O-Torii Gate [ EP. 6 ]

I just published my latest video on YouTube!

This is the final watercolour demonstration video from my trip to Japan earlier in the year. It was the last 24 hours with my son so it was a special day.

Sponsor my videos for as little as $3, click the link below to find out more.

Sketch Video Watercolour

My latest YouTube vlog exclusive

Yes, with the exception of my Patreon supporters you are the first to see this new episode of Meldrum Art – Watercolour Journeys. I visit Iwakuni, my son’s hometown and sketch the Kintaikyo Bridge. The Cherry Blossoms were in full bloom, it was so beautiful. Back at home I try to capture that wonderful day as best I can in watercolour. The video will be available to all later today on YouTube.