Video watercolour video youtube

I kept my mouth shut for this one

I visited Utö during the month of September to spend two days camping and painting. The island was so quiet, the evenings can be cool but if you are lucky you can still get a beautiful warm day.

This video has no dialog, instead I thought I’d let the sound of the lapping water and the beautiful view speak for themselves. The film is short, 7 minutes long.

I have included a description of the gear I used in the film down below. I hope you enjoy it, please do send me comments and let me know what you think – be it good or bad. You can support the making of these videos, visit my crowdfunding page, there you can follow my weekly vlogs, see bonus material, and even receive original watercolours as thanks.

Here is a list of my most important watercolours that I use while sketching outdoors. In this watercolour I mostly used – Cobalt Blue, French Ultramarine, Verditer Blue, Jaune Brilliant No1, Yellow Ochre and Vandyke Brown. My easel is no longer for sale on Amazon unfortunately. My camping chair is a Swedish brand called Walkstool Comfort 45cm/18in. ( The hammock tent is by Hennessy 4 Season Expedition Zip. (

While sketching I use a Winsor & Newton Field palette My watercolours (tube) :
– Holbein Titanium White
– Winsor & Newton Cadmium Yellow Pale
– Holbein Jaune Brilliant No1 .
-Winsor & Newton Naples Yellow
– Winsor & Newton Yellow Ochre
– Winsor & Newton Burnt Sienna
– Winsor & Newton Cadmium Orange
– Winsor & Newton Cadmium Red
– Daniel Smith Alizarin Crimson
– Winsor & Newton UltraMarine Violet
– Winsor & Newton Cobalt Blue
– Winsor & Newton French Ultra Marine
– Holbein Verditer Blue
– Winsor & Newton Cobalt Turquoise Light
– Holbien Vandyke Brown
– Winsor & Newton Neutral Tint.

The view from east Utö. September 2022
watercolor Watercolour

Painting in the wild

In the beginning of September I spent two days sketching on Nämdö which is an island in the Stockholm archipelago. I was with with an old friend. So nice to be to be in nature while most people are back in the office. The hunting season was in full swing though so we had to be careful in the woods not to be mistaken for deer. 😮

My sketches were 17.5 x 12.5 cm in size.

akvarell Sketch watercolor Watercolour

So windy. It was time to go home

It was a very windy summer. We spent so much time trying to find protection from the strong winds. Survival stuff it was sometimes. After two and half weeks we had had enough.

So this watercolour was the last of the paintings from my holiday. It sums up the the end of our adventure pretty well. We were in a small natural harbour on the island of Kallskär which is in the outer archipelago. After this we headed west towards Stockholm dodging strong winds and squalls that hunted us.

Kallskär 18 x 13cm

Kallskär 18 x 13cm
Sketches sketching watercolor Watercolour

Islands and trees, that’s it!

Trees, there are a lot of them in the Stockholm archipelago. So difficult to paint, green is an awful colour to work with, appears flat and lifeless any chance it gets. There is so much for me to master while out sailing, patience being number one.

Four small sketches of the the same scene, 18 x 13cm, Hasselö, 2022.07.20

Sketch sketching watercolor Watercolour

Four interpretations of the same scene

While out sailing in the archipelago we would sometimes take a day off and just hang in a beautiful spot. This would give me the opportunity to paint. The four watercolours here are of the same scene on Själbottna island painted over two days.

I realise that my first watercolour is usually rushed and therefore not so good. I guess it’s a necessary evil, a process to slow down and really see what is in front of me. The third watercolour was an attempt to capture the advent of rain and dark thunderous skies. Finally the last watercolour was painted the next morning just before we lifted anchor and sailed off in some direction I cannot remember.

The watercolours are 18 x 13cm in size and were painted on the 16/17th of July, 2022.

art youtube

Camping in the wild to paint watercolours

I spent a beautiful two days in Björnö nature reserve back in June. I used my new hammock to sleep between two trees. I got a good night’s sleep and did some great sketches the following day.

watercolor Watercolour

Using wet on wet watercolour techniques

I am experimenting with damp watercolour paper techniques. There are many ways to keep the paper damp for a longer period so that one has time to paint a scene. I am not going to get into that in this post as I am in a bit of a rush. The most important thing for me is that my watercolours blend well on the paper and the edges stay soft, having more time to work is also a plus.
Since being accepted into The Water Colour Society of Ireland I have felt an urge to do a few watercolours of the emerald isle. I’d love to travel there but Covid is still restricting travel. I get my first jab this Friday, feels like a relief that I’m finally getting it.

This watercolour is of Donaghadee lighthouse, which lies southeast of Belfast. 52 x 34 cm

To view a full sized image please click the thumbnail below.

Donaghadee lighthouse
Donaghadee lighthouse

akvarell watercolor Watercolour

After several visits to Björnö it was time

I have been visiting Björnö here in the Stockholm archipelago for many weeks now. It gets a little warmer each time I sketch there. Yesterday, I decided to do a studio painting based on my sketches and photographs. I am trying to catch the Scandinavian melancholy I feel when I visit the archipelago during the winter months. I’m happy with the result.

Click the thumbnail below for a full-sized image.

View from Björnö
View from Björnö

akvarell Nude watercolor Watercolour

In watercolour it’s okay to say, let it bleed

I am looking for a softer approach to my painting and so I am testing different techniques. In this nude study the paper was very wet when I applied the watercolour pigment. The fact it spread like crazy is exactly why I love this medium.