Sketch Watercolour

Portrait tip

If you want to practice doing portraits, download  Sktchy app. Unfortunately it is only for iPhone users. Lots of people upload photos of themselves and artists, both amateur and professional sketch them.

For me, I just want to practice doing portraits and I don’t want to worry about copyright issues etc. So this is a great resource.

Click image below for full-sized photo.

meldrum art portrait
meldrum art portrait

Not every painting is a success

I was asked to submit a watercolour to an exhibition and I wasn’t accepted which of course is a bit of a bummer but at the same time I just found the experience to be quite positive. That may sound strange but what I mean is I spent a day working on this painting and I learned a lot because I was outside of my comfort zone. I am pushing my boundaries a lot at the moment which means I do have more failures, I know I can paint the archipelago here in Stockholm but I want to be better than that, that is why I am happy with this watercolour. I do not fear the unknown and what I know today was yesterday’s news.

The town of Fabriano painted on, …Farbriano watercolour paper.
Click the image below for full-sized photo

Fabriano on Fabriano
Fabriano on Fabriano
My Life Drawing

Life drawing bliss

Yes, it was so nice to go to somebody else’s life  drawing class yesterday evening. Since I’ve been running my own class I have not really been relaxed enough to draw with any real commitment.
So last night I could get my fingers dirty with charcoal dust and have a ball!
Most sketches were completed in 5 minutes on A3 paper.

David Meldrum Watercolour

Watercolour of Stockholm – Storkyrkan

It is hard to paint urban scenes I think. I wrestle with keeping the watercolour alive and fresh. I need straight lines because houses are built of them, but they are also my enemy. Too straight and I loose my battle.
This was a good fight, I nearly lost it a couple of times but in the end I am happy with the result.

Title: Storkyrkan (The Big Church)
Size: 26 x 36 cm

Click the image below for full-sized version.

Storkyrkan akvarell


I was playing with contrasts today, in the end I was quite happy with the way it turned out. More urban paintings on the way I feel.

See full sized image here:

Stockholm by Meldrum
Stockholm by Meldrum
figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

No life drawing classes this week.

Hi, to anyone who attends my life drawing evenings at Dieselverkstaden.
This Friday there will be no life drawing class due to Alla helgons dag (All Saints Day). The next “Meldrum Kroki will be on the 9th of November. Welcome!

Video Watercolour

Stretching watercolour paper

I’ve started giving watercolour tips on YouTube. In the first episode I talk about how and why I stretch watercolour paper.

Uncategorized Watercolour


One should avoid sunsets, most artists and photographers will tell you that.
So it was a challenge to find a theme that made a sunset acceptable in the eyes of critics. The subject I have chosen has divided Europe since 2015. I do not know how people will react to my watercolour, it speaks to me clearly enough but I also know that my neighbour might see something totally different.

Click below to see larger image.

Sunset 70 x 50
Sunset 70 x 50

Click here to see my latest video on YouTube:

Sketch Video Watercolour

My latest YouTube vlog exclusive

Yes, with the exception of my Patreon supporters you are the first to see this new episode of Meldrum Art – Watercolour Journeys. I visit Iwakuni, my son’s hometown and sketch the Kintaikyo Bridge. The Cherry Blossoms were in full bloom, it was so beautiful. Back at home I try to capture that wonderful day as best I can in watercolour. The video will be available to all later today on YouTube.