
Watercolour portrait

I am still practising my watercolour portrait painting techniques. This one took me a day to complete and I’m happy with it. It’s not perfect of course, not as far as I am concerned anyway.
I should be editing a film for YouTube, I will have to force myself from doing more portraits until I’ve completed the editing. The next Watercolour Journey episode by the way is from the Gaint’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.

Click the thumbnail below for full-sized image.

meldrum art portrait
meldrum art portrait


Uncategorized Watercolour

Life without a sailing boat

I have been trying really hard not to paint sail boats for a while now, it’s hard – I just love to paint them. The reason I am avoiding them is so that I can develop as a watercolour artist by painting other things that I am not used to and find difficult. Portraits are difficult, the one that’s featured here doesn’t resemble the original model very well. I wasn’t trying too get a perfect likeness, my goal is to master painting skin and building the facial form, I think creating a likeness will improve as I practice.

The model reference by the way was downloaded from the iPhone only Sktchy app. Why it’s only iPhone users who can use this service I do not know.
Click the thumbnail below to see the full-sized image

Portrait by Meldrum Art
Portrait by Meldrum Art
Sketch Watercolour

Portrait tip

If you want to practice doing portraits, download  Sktchy app. Unfortunately it is only for iPhone users. Lots of people upload photos of themselves and artists, both amateur and professional sketch them.

For me, I just want to practice doing portraits and I don’t want to worry about copyright issues etc. So this is a great resource.

Click image below for full-sized photo.

meldrum art portrait
meldrum art portrait