Here are a few sketches that weren’t completed while I was in France. I finished them later in the studio. I always enjoy myself in Paimpol and Ploubazlanec. Nice memories as usual.

Here are a few sketches that weren’t completed while I was in France. I finished them later in the studio. I always enjoy myself in Paimpol and Ploubazlanec. Nice memories as usual.
This is the last watercolour I will show from my trip to France. The house belongs to my mother-in-law. It’s a beautiful, peaceful place, as you can see. A young man lives in the van, he’s been there for four years. It’s the way it is. I look forward to visiting again next year.
I mentioned in my last post that I liked it best when the tide was out. Looking through my watercolours from the trip to Brittany it’s clear that it is so. These were painted just outside of Paimpol harbour. Lots of abandoned boats to try and capture. I had a lot of fun that day.
I just love it in Brittany. So nice to go out painting everyday while visiting my mother-in-law in Ploubazlanec. The tides are pretty extreme. A ten metre difference between high and low. The view of the sea is always changing. I enjoy trying to capture the low tides best.
I returned to France after a four year break.
I love spending time in Brittany. I get on really well with my mother-in-law, and the scenery there is just fantastic.
This painting is of the view from the garden. It’s the first of many watercolours that I painted during my stay.
It’s so easy to be inspired when visiting far off places. It’s a little harder to get excited closer to home.
I have been challenging myself to paint better street scenes. This watercolour is of Piampol, Brittany, France – my wife’s hometown. I did this in the studio but I wouldn’t mind being in France for June. That won’t happen of course because of the pandemic. I’ll just have to use my many photo references that I have amassed through the years. Have a nice, and safe weekend.
Click the thumbnail below to see full sized image.
I painted this watercolour of the beach that is front of my mother-in-law’s house in Ploubazlanec. I found a nice photo on my phone from my holidays in France earlier in the year and it inspired me to paint the scene.
I only have happy memories from my visits there.
Click the image below for full-sized image.
I produced a final painting of this scene from Paimpol in Brittany today. The watercolour looks a lot better in reality, I wish I could take professional photographs but I just can’t. I lack the skills necessary. Still, I am happy enough with it, now it’s time to think about the next watercolour and try to improve on previous mistakes.
Ah, I had to leave. My last sketch from Paimpol in Brittany. Back home now and planning for midsummer.
28 x 19 cm Saunders Waterford sketchbook