akvarell watercolor Watercolour

A moody little watercolour that made me happy

A view from Kvarnholmen. A small sketch, a giant leap …I’ve haven’t been painting so much recently so this little watercolour, painted the other day was important; a small step.

Nude watercolor Watercolour

I think I am ready for landscapes

I have this little routine were I produce a watercolour nude each Monday morning to help promote my weekly life drawing session. I play around with how I express myself – I really enjoy it so I will continue with my Monday nudes. At the same time I really need to start painting landscapes again. Maybe I’m waking up from my winter slumber? I hope so.

Click the thumbnail below for a larger image.

monday nude
monday nude
akvarell watercolor Watercolour

Winter doodle

I was just playing around. Lights and darks. The darks dominate, and cool colours too. It’s fun not putting pressure on oneself, just playing like a kid – no stress. Learn by doodling. 😉

Click the thumbnail if you would like to see a larger image.

winter woods
winter woods

Nude watercolor Watercolour

Experimentation and looking for a form of expression

I have no wish to compete with photographic images. When I paint a nude from a photo as in this case I want to find my own way of expressing the feelings I have towards the subject. If I just tried to copy the image on my computer screen it would be just so uninteresting and also demoralising because the original photograph will always be best. I know there are super-realists out there who would disagree with me. There is no wrongs or rights, for me it’s just a personal quest to find a form of expression.

Reclining nude 36 x 26 cm

To see the full-sized image please click the thumbnail below.

Reclining nude
Reclining nude

watercolor Watercolour

A sailing memory from last summer in the archipelago

As I write this it is minus 10 outside. Summer feels very far away right now. Thankfully I am an artist and can recreate the memories of the long magical days we experienced while sailing in the Stockholm archipelago last year. We sailed for a month, most nights we slept in a different natural harbour. This painting at Fjärdlång was created in the studio from a photo I had taken. I maybe act like a squirrel, I take photos all summer then store them for the winter months when I am starved of adventure and sketching outdoors.

If you would like to view the full-sized image please click the thumbnail below.

Walking on Fjärdlång
Walking on Fjärdlång

watercolor Watercolour

What happens when you add salt to a watercolour?

Just playing around with salt crystals scattered on my wet watercolour. It’s fun to experiment every now and then. 🙂
The featured chapel is on an island which lies south of Stockholm called Landsort. We explored the island during our sailing trip last year. A nice memory, I look forward to the summer with impatience.

Landsorts Chapel / Kapell

If you would like to see the full-sized image, click the thumbnail below

Landsort Chapel
Landsort Chapel
watercolor Watercolour

Just painting anything to get going again


I have taken what seems to me a long break from painting. It’s involuntary, I suffer from SAD during the winter months and it can really slow me down. This year I escaped the depression but I still got the tiredness, plus the aches and pains. The good news is that brighter days are now on their way. The snow is coming and the days are getting longer. It makes me happy just thinking about it.

So , to get the ball rolling again I painted the first things that popped up in my photo-archive which just so happened to be a tugboat and a cow. I like the cow composition, it called an “O” composition, the eye is lead around the painting like a hamster in an exercise-wheel. We can be happy just letting our eyes go round and round for hours seemingly.

watercolor Watercolour

Maybe I should have stopped painting earlier

It’s always difficult to know when to stop painting a watercolour. Maybe I should have stopped already after the first wash. It doesn’t matter, it was just a sketch, I was playing with some paper I haven’t used for years, Fabriano Artistico /S, it’s really difficult to paint on. The blending of colours is difficult. It’s not paper I like but I have lots of it so I’ll just have to enjoy it even if it’s not a favourite. Which do you like best, the finished painting or the halfway stage version? Let me know in the comments. Cheers 🙂

unfinished nude
Before and after
watercolor Watercolour

I am giving my original watercolours away to my supporters on Patreon.

Inspired by my summer watercolour sketch above, I am sending original watercolours to my supporters today. A patron who contributes $5 or more each month is entitled to one. There is other stuff on offer too, for just $1 there’s the weekly vlog and very soon – exclusive watercolour videos on only.
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