Nude watercolor Watercolour

I wish my watercolour nudes were better than they are.

I’ll be honest. Nudes are difficult. Shading human skin in watercolour must be one of the hardest skills to achieve. It feels that way at least. Luckily, I love just trying and trying, … and trying to master it. One day, maybe – maybe not.
I gave this one a good go, I did my best. It’s not fun admitting to oneself that one has a long way to go before mastering a watercolour nude.

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Nude with roses
Nude with roses

Nude watercolor Watercolour

Did you notice the background or the nude?

I continue to paint nudes. I need a promotional image once a week to promote my life drawing class, this motivates me to have a watercolour complete by Monday.
I think I am going to try a different approach to my painting technique from now on, I feel I have been having too much fun with the background and not focusing enough on painting the actual figure. So the next watercolour nude you see here might be quite different, we shall see 😉

Click the thumbnail below if you would like to see the full-sized image.

Watercolour Nude
Nude watercolor Watercolour

I am painting a lot of nudes at the moment

Why a sudden interest in painting nudes David? I guess it’s because it’s where I’m at at the moment. I am running my life drawing classes and I feel inspired because it is now and in the present. Landscapes have to wait, it’s too cold outside and I find little inspiration from my reference photos. I would love to paint outdoors even when it’s minus degrees but I’m not 100% fit so it’s not a good idea right now, the long winters here don’t agree with me. So it’s nudes at the moment. I hope you don’t mind.

To view a larger image, click the thumbnail below.

Watercolour Nude
Watercolour Nude
akvarell watercolor Watercolour

This watercolour is disturbing

I am the first to admit, I made her too skinny. I like the pose and the lighting though. I should try again.

Click the thumbnail below to see a larger image.

Starved nude
Starved nude
Nude watercolor Watercolour

My life drawing classes begin this week

My life drawing classes, which are live-streamed on Zoom begin again this week. I don’t actually get much time to sketch during the sessions as I am the organiser of the event. I’ll have to join someone else’s life class to practise. Ironic, I know.
Because I don’t sketch the nude as much I’d like to I set myself a weekly goal of producing a watercolour that I can later use to promote my life drawing classes.

If you are interested in joining Meldrum Kroki, click here. Please answer the 3 questions when you apply. Thanks.

If you would like to see the full-sized image please click the thumbnail below

watercolor Watercolour

Maybe I should have stopped painting earlier

It’s always difficult to know when to stop painting a watercolour. Maybe I should have stopped already after the first wash. It doesn’t matter, it was just a sketch, I was playing with some paper I haven’t used for years, Fabriano Artistico /S, it’s really difficult to paint on. The blending of colours is difficult. It’s not paper I like but I have lots of it so I’ll just have to enjoy it even if it’s not a favourite. Which do you like best, the finished painting or the halfway stage version? Let me know in the comments. Cheers 🙂

unfinished nude
Before and after