Nude watercolor Watercolour

These days I always start my week with a watercolour nude

I think I have mentioned it before, I need a life drawing sketch or watercolour nude every Monday. My life drawing session that I run every Thursday needs to be publicised. The classes are turning out to be popular especially for those who live in smaller towns around Sweden. Covid-19 ended my physical classes last March but streaming via Zoom has turned out to be a very positive development.
If you would like to know more about Meldrum Kroki which streams every Thursday evening please join my Facebook group here.

Click the thumbnail to see the complete watercolour

monday nude
monday nude
Nude watercolor Watercolour

My life drawing classes begin this week

My life drawing classes, which are live-streamed on Zoom begin again this week. I don’t actually get much time to sketch during the sessions as I am the organiser of the event. I’ll have to join someone else’s life class to practise. Ironic, I know.
Because I don’t sketch the nude as much I’d like to I set myself a weekly goal of producing a watercolour that I can later use to promote my life drawing classes.

If you are interested in joining Meldrum Kroki, click here. Please answer the 3 questions when you apply. Thanks.

If you would like to see the full-sized image please click the thumbnail below
