
Painting at Skanstull

The original plein air sketch
The original plein air sketch

I had a great Tuesday morning painting plein air with Daniel Luther at Skanstull here in Stockholm. I felt I had too much foreground and not enough focus on the boat so I painted a studio version today. I have also included a sketch that helped me improve the compositi

Original painting at Skanstull
Original painting at Skanstull.


David Meldrum
David Meldrum
My sketchbook
My sketchbook
Daniel Luther
Daniel Luther
Studio version of Skanstull
Studio version of Skanstull
Sketch Watercolour

Urban Sketching is so much fun

I am currently editing my latest video, Meldrum Art – Watercolour Journeys (Hiroshima). It was therefore lovely to get a break at the weekend and meet my Urban Sketching friends on Djurgården to sketch a little.

Saunders Waterford sketchbook, 28 x 19 cm

Gröna lund, Stockholm
Gröna lund, Stockholm

How to get better painting clouds

How does one get better at painting clouds? Well, that was the question I had at the beginning of this week. I admire Sergej Temerev a lot so really it’s not that  difficult. I just looked at as many watercolours of his as possible, there is a good Pinterest page featuring his work, here’s the link. I also looked at all the YouTube videos I could find. I’ve done this before but one has to repeat and practice a lot if one wants to get better.

Hooker on the horizon
Hooker on the horizon

Title: Hooker on the horizon. 24 x 34 cm

Video youtube

Meldrum Art – Watercolour Journeys trailer

Check out my new 90 second trailer. …And Subscribe! 🙂


Studio version

Which is best? I think the sketch is that I did earlier in the week. It’s more free. I like the studio piece too but it hasn’t the same energy. What do you think?
The Studio art is 36 x 26 and the sketch is 28 x 19 cm

Have a nice weekend!

Gustav Adolf's torg
Gustav Adolf’s torg
Sketch Watercolour

Little India, Singapore

This watercolour was inspired by my trip to Little India which is in the southern suburbs of Singapore. I walked down the busy Serangoon road and found this scene, I didn’t have time to take out my sketchbook just then, instead I took a bunch of reference photos.

Singapore is so fascinating. It’s cultural contrasts make the city so vibrant.

I very nearly threw this painting in the bin. If you are curious to know why look at my latest vlog on YouTube.

Sketch Watercolour

Sometimes life is simple

I got bored at home in the studio yesterday so I jumped on my bike and took myself to Gustav Adolf’s square here in Stockholm. After a quick sketch I was content again and cycled home.


Meldrum Art visits Singapore

It took a while for me to complete my third YouTube video. I could write several pages of text explaining why but I won’t.
I had a great time in Singapore, watch the video and see how I got along.


An Urban Sketching memory

I don’t remember if the band were playing ragtime, I don’t think so actually – it was jazz standards like Blackbird and stuff. I’ve titled the painting, Ragtime Band anyway because I like the sound of it and I think it suits the watercolour. It’s my painting so I can call it what I want, he he.

I took some reference photos and did a few sketches last December together with my Urban Sketching friends here in Stockholm. We had a great time in a pub I wouldn’t set foot in normally. It was totally nice though and I’m glad I was brought to the venue to discover a little gem in the blandness of a train station shopping mall.

Ragtime Band – Lilla Wien pub, Södra station 26 x 36 cm