akvarell watercolor Watercolour

From a reference photo

I am delighted that I am actually painting in the studio during the winter months. My mental-health suffers badly at this time, especially these last few years. The situation has improved though. It’s not perfect, but I am able to function again thanks to professional help. It’s fantastic to be regularly painting again

I painted this watercolour from a photo I’d taken during the summer. It’s a bit of a cheat, the couple were never there. I think that’s called creative licence. I really do prefer to paint outdoors, to be in nature. It’s -8 celsius outside here in Stockholm, and it’s snowing. The studio feels pretty good right now.

36 x 26 cm
Click the image below if you would like to see the full sized watercolour.

4 replies on “From a reference photo”

Acuarela mi se pare foarte echilibrată, și bine finisată. Respiră un aer de zi de vară calmă si liniștită. Prezenîa celor două personaje este binevenită, mai ales ca accent de culoare caldă.
Sunteți un maestru! Pe bune!

I find the watercolor very balanced, and well finished. It breathes the air of a calm and peaceful summer day. The presence of the two characters is welcome, especially as a warm color accent.
You are a master! Really!

București – România

Thank you for your comment. I am happy you enjoyed the watercolour. I look forward to those warm days of summer. I also look forward to painting outdoors again.

I guess no painter really feels like they are a master. I wonder did Leonardo Da Vinci think he was a master? I feel I am a student like anyone else. Thank you for the compliment. It’s nice that you think I am good at what I do. 🙂

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