David Meldrum Watercolour

What’s up?

I’m not blogging as much as I’d like to right now. I am going through a rather intensive watercolouring period. I really want to improve and so all focus is centred on painting.
My two week period as an artist has come to and end and so tomorrow I am a web designer again. I am lucky, I have a job that I enjoy but I know after a few days I will be looking forward to my artist period again.
I have my first solo exhibition on the 23rd April 2016. I guess this is the main reason why I am not blogging as often. Nothing like a deadline to focus the mind. 😉

By meldrum

My name is David Meldrum. I am an Artist who loves watercolour.

2 replies on “What’s up?”

You can´t imagine how much I would like going to your exhibition, this is a very good notice, a solo one, you deserve it. I forgive you for not blogging, because you´ve got a good, a very good reason,for not doing.I know I wan´t be able to go so please coment on the blog your success. My best willings for you, and please keep on painting till exhibition.Best wishses.

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