I bought this wonderful book by Karl Mårtens at, Konst & Folk Gallery. I really like karl’s approach to watercolouring, a mixture of Zen Buddhism, Scandinavian simplicity, Japanese calligraphy and natural artistic talent. I had a look around on the internet and have not found it so you’ll need to visit the gallery if you want to buy it.
Visit Karl Mårtens website here.
The Gallery address is:
Konst och Folk
Hornsgatan 32-34,
11820 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 644 60 60
Email: galleriet@konstochfolk.se
4 replies on “Karl Mårtens – A Quest For The Unexpected”
Thank you for sharing all this information, it is very generous and helpful.
You're welcome. It's a beautiful book.
Tack för tipset! Förälskade mig i en av hans målningar på ett galleri i Visby i somras, en and. Nu har jag beställt boken, budgetvariant i förhållande till originalen men så spännande det ska bli.
Trevlig helg! /Helene SR
Var så god Helene,
Du kommer säkert att älskar boken.