The teacher who runs the life drawing on Saturday’s at Basis, Stockholm likes to push us to our sketching limits with lots of one and two minutes poses. It’s funny how after sketching lots of one minute poses two minutes then feels like a long time. Three minutes feels like an eternity.
Saturday’s life drawing

2 replies on “Saturday’s life drawing”
I´ve recived today a wonderful present that is going to be as, it must be, in a prominent place at my home, but it has not your address in it, please would you mind email me with in? I´m a disaster and lost it. And as always your sketching in 1 or 2 min are fantastic. It´s incredible so much in so little time. Congratulations. and please don´t forget to email .
I am happy you received the post card. I will send you my address via mail but please do not feel you have to send me something, I just wanted to show my appreciation. 🙂