figure drawing Nudes

The second evening at the French Church

figure drawing Nudes

A five minute sketch from my first figure drawing evening

art school figure drawing Nudes scanner

Meldrum buys a flatbed scanner…

I promised to get myself a scanner so that I can upload some of my sketches onto the blog. I bought one on for 300 sek, ( 20 Sterling ) the other week, a pretty good price I thought.

The above nude drawing was my first since art school back in 1982. I started figure drawing here in Stockholm at the French Church four weeks ago. I’m really enjoying sketching again, I’m very stiff and it going to take me a while to loosen up my drawing. I need to get my eye in but hey, it’s a start!

illustrations Photoshop radiohead

Illustrating in Photoshop

I like Radiohead so it was a pleasure to watch this illustration of Thom Yorke in Photoshop. The video is speeded up which helps the viewing experience.

bubbles fountain urban terrorists

Urban terrorism, bubble attack!

I was on the way home yesterday and I saw this and it made me smile. The world is such a fun place when the natives get a little restless and do something creative.

illustrations images inspiration photos


FFFFOUND! A good site to browse images and get inspired.

Flash Flash blog Lee Brimelow

A good Flash blog

I have lots of creative ambitions but during the day when I’m not day-dreaming I produce banners and micro-sites in Flash. I have promised myself to publish examples of what I do as soon as possible but right now I have more important things to deal with in my spare time, for example my VW beetle is broken down by the side of the road and desperately needs my attention. I could rant on here about how hard it is to tinker with a modern car but I won’t.
Anyway a good Flash blog to visit is: and it’s run by Lee Brimelow.


High-speed photography by Alan Sailer

I found this at the Telegraph also…

Photographic compitition photography photos

The Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2008

Check it out, some interesting images.