I’ve started a new Sketchbook. I find it very useful when I take breaks from the watercolours that I am producing for my upcoming exhibition. To be able to just relax and sketch whatever for an hour is so beneficial when one is under pressure. I now start each artist day with a watercolour sketch to get me into the groove of painting.
Format: Moleskin 29.5 x 20.5 cm
Click the image below is you want to see a larger version.

2 replies on “My Sketchbook”
Very good idea and a wonderful watercolor , making portraits is one of your specialities. You should include some in your next exhibition.
I should paint more portraits, I think I could be pretty good at it but I of course have to do a lot of practice first.
I am enjoying having a watercolour sketchbook again, it means I can never frame one of the sketches I do and I can’t sell to an admirer as I refuse to rip out a page. Their mine, simply – a personal sketch book. A place where I can experiment and learn. 🙂