David Meldrum Watercolours

Weekend painter

I’ve been enjoying myself this weekend. Non-stop watercolouring for two days, heaven! I have chosen horses as my theme for painting. It’s a lot of fun, I’ll publish some of them later today.

David Meldrum Sketch

A late night doodle

It was our turn to guard the boats at the sailing club last week. It was an all night thing, one just had to drink pints of coffee, chew endless amounts of candy and draw a little to pass the time.

A sketch of an image from the internet

David Meldrum postcards Watercolour

Watercolour postcards

Italian watercolour paper company, Fabriano have a block of ready made postcards to paint and send to your nearest and dearest. Here are two I painted last week, one to my mother in law, thanking her for my present, a shirt and the flowers I sent to my mother, lots of plus-points received.

Watercolour postcards by David Meldrum
Watercolour postcards